<!-- Help Message -->
<h3>Input scores, press tab to add each new number.</h3>
<!-- Totals -->
Total : <span id="total">0.0</span>
Count : <span id="count">0.0</span>
Average : <span id="average">0.0</span>
<!-- Rows added using scores ID -->
<div id="scores">
<!-- javascript generated inputs -->
// Executes on input event and calculates totals
function calculator(event) {
var key = event.key;
// Check if the pressed key is the "Tab" key (key code 9) or "Enter" key (key code 13)
if (key === "Tab" || key === "Enter") {
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behavior (tabbing to the next element)
var array = document.getElementsByName('score'); // setup array of scores
var total = 0; // running total
var count = 0; // count of input elements with valid values
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { // iterate through array
var value = array[i].value;
if (parseFloat(value)) {
var parsedValue = parseFloat(value);
total += parsedValue; // add to running total
// update totals
document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = total.toFixed(2); // show two decimals
document.getElementById('count').innerHTML = count;
if (count > 0) {
document.getElementById('average').innerHTML = (total / count).toFixed(2);
} else {
document.getElementById('average').innerHTML = "0.0";
// adds newInputLine, only if all array values satisfy parseFloat
if (count === document.getElementsByName('score').length) {
newInputLine(count); // make a new input line
// Creates a new input box
function newInputLine(index) {
// Add a label for each score element
var title = document.createElement('label');
title.htmlFor = index;
title.innerHTML = index + ". ";
document.getElementById("scores").appendChild(title); // add to HTML
// Setup score element and attributes
var score = document.createElement("input"); // input element
score.id = index; // id of input element
score.onkeydown = calculator // Each key triggers event (using function as a value)
score.type = "number"; // Use text type to allow typing multiple characters
score.name = "score"; // name is used to group all "score" elements (array)
score.style.textAlign = "right";
score.style.width = "5em";
document.getElementById("scores").appendChild(score); // add to HTML
// Create and add blank line after input box
var br = document.createElement("br"); // line break element
document.getElementById("scores").appendChild(br); // add to HTML
// Set focus on the new input line
// Creates 1st input box on Window load
Input scores, press tab to add each new number.
- Total : 0.0 Count : 0.0 Average : 0.0
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="utf-8"
<title>Grade Calculator</title>
<h1>Grade Calculator</h1>
<th>Value 1</th>
<th>Value 2</th>
<td><input type="number" id="value1" step="0.01"></td>
<td><input type="number" id="value2" step="0.01"></td>
<td><span id="average">-</span></td>
<button id="calculateButton">Calculate</button>
// Get references to the input elements and the average span
const value1Input = document.getElementById("value1");
const value2Input = document.getElementById("value2");
const averageSpan = document.getElementById("average");
const calculateButton = document.getElementById("calculateButton");
//Add an event listener to both input elements to calculate the average
value1Input.addEventListener("input", calculateAverage);
value2Input.addEventListener("input", calculateAverage);
// Add a click event listener to the Calculate button
calculateButton.addEventListener("click", calculateAverage);
// Function to calculate and display the average
function calculateAverage() {
console.log("Button Clicked"); //Add this line for debugging
const value1 = parseFloat(value1Input.value);
const value2 = parseFloat(value2Input.value);
if (!isNaN(value1) && !isNaN(value2)) {
const average = (value1 + value2) / 2;
console.log("Average Calculated: " + average.toFuxed*(2)); // For Debugging
averageSpan.textContent = average.toFixed(2); // Display average with 2 decimal places
} else {
averageSpan.textContent = "-"; // Display a dash if input is invalid
Grade Calculator
Value 1 | Value 2 | Average |
- |