Final Blog

Pokemort Game

This is a game that we made in first trimester, that we also presented at Night at the Museum. It is essentially a 2D world game with minimal functions and controls, including movement across different maps (background images). This was our first use of classes and JS files, as well as working with OOP in order to integrate multiple parts of our game together.

I had a lot of fun with this game, especially making the sprite of Mr. Lopez, who was the main protagonist of the game. It was fun making walking cycles for him, as well as editing the backgrounds for the game. Once my group figured out how to do collisions, I pretty much placed them around the maps in mass, using math and coordinates to make perfectly sized collisions. Displays are linked here.

Snake Game

This was a simple game of Snake, that was essentially my first time working with code that I have not made. It was an introductory assignment that allowed me to investigate CSS and a bit of JS. Most of my changes involved messing with the color of the background and the snake, which was really cool to see, as the things that I changed had direct effects on the gameplay.

Platformer 2 Level 4

Things I added into my Level 4 of Platformer 2 include a Mortensen sprite, laboratory background, Antoine McLean enemies, and a door that replaced the tube. Visual display of Level 4 is below.
