<title>GIF Switcher</title>
<button id="showGifButton">Start Animation</button>
<img id="gifImage" style="display: none;">
const gif1 = "/DeanPhillips24/images/game/pokemortloop1.gif"; // First loop with title animation
const gif2 = "/DeanPhillips24/images/game/pokemortloop2.gif"; // Second loop with standstill title and only clouds moving
const gifImage = document.getElementById("gifImage");
const showGifButton = document.getElementById("showGifButton");
showGifButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
gifImage.src = gif1;
gifImage.style.display = "block";
showGifButton.disabled = true;
setTimeout(function() {
gifImage.src = gif2;
}, 10000); // Switch to the second GIF after 10 seconds
Title Screen Animation Testing • 1 min read
Title Screen Animation Test